As we step into 2024, I am immensely grateful to all my wonderful clients for their unwavering support, which has once again made Golden Touch Massage and BodyWork Therapy thrive. The challenges of 2020 left me uncertain about the future of my business, but through faith and the loyalty of both returning and new clients, I've been able to keep our doors open, and for that, I extend my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you.

As we look ahead to the New Year, I'm excited to announce some fresh specials and offerings. In response to the changing needs of our community, I'll be introducing chair and table massages for company events, which will be featured on our website. This past year has brought numerous networking opportunities, connecting me with remarkable individuals and opening doors to new ventures.

As we usher in 2024, let's do so with a spirit of love, happiness, and peace. Whether you're feeling the aftermath of holiday stress or simply seeking relaxation, I look forward to welcoming you back to Golden Touch Massage and BodyWork Therapy. Thank you for making 2023 a truly wonderful year.

Warm regards,

Nina K. Cobb

Golden Touch Massage & BodyWork Therapy

The online store is closed temporarily. Currently undergoing maintenance. Major revamping is underway!!

Orders can still be placed in the office!!

We apologize for any inconvenience!!


Fall Scents will be put on the shelf after January 31, 2024. We will be coming up with our Spring/Summer Line scents. So, if you have suggestions, please let me know. I will be more than happy to look into it!

What’s Coming???

  • Online Website to shop our Bath Care Therapy Line (Closed temporarily!)

  • Bath Bombs (On hold!)

  • Foaming Whipped Soaps (Available!)

  • Emulsifying Body Sugar Scrubs (Available!)

    Nina Cobb - Owner of GTM&BWT